Make it count!

What a year! The world has definitely decided that 2020 would make an impact on everyone and everything.  How you view the changes and adapt are a mindset. Personally, I've learned one important thing... How to somewhat, relax.

I have a career, a family and a hobby.  I love all these aspects of my world. I'm high energy and always looking for a new adventures, it's in my blood.  

As I sit here, I realize that even though this year has taken the social aspect away, I was able to make more meaningful connections with those who are important, those we take for granted, family.  A unit that cannot  be replaced, our tribe.  Take time, even after this fiasco, to remember who and what is important. 

We have a new chapter beginning, with our community, physically and virtually.  We are crazy excited to share this adventure with you all.  You are significant to us!  We will strive to make a positive impact on our little world and those of you who enter it. We will do our very best.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season & the most AMAZING year ahead!!  We are, and will continue to work on our new space during the coming weeks. Stay tuned for progress updates!

Joanne & Claudio xo

Couldn't help but to share this pic, cause we are happy and kinda cute!! haha

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  • Ann Villeneuve on

    Would like to paint a desk in black. Need to order the paint needed, never bought your product so not sure what to order as well don’t know if we can pick up today…

  • Jennifer L on

    Looking forward to when we can see the new space all up and ready for me to paint in! Happy holidays to you both and your family.

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